Saturday, March 17, 2012

Anderson Cooper: Dispatches from the Edge

There are few books that prompt the response "wow" from its readers. Anderson Cooper's "Anderson Cooper: Dispatches from the Edge" does just that. I finished the book in four days making my relationship with the book even more significant. It's that good. Some of my favorite parts were stories about his personal tragedies, mainly the early deaths of his father and brother. At the same time he is able to really hone in on the true feelings of the victims of natural disasters and wars without having his feelings and personal biases murk the waters.

After reading his book, I feel I have learned a lot about what kind of person he is. He has carefully chosen words to express his opinions over matters that are clearly pertinent in today's world. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who needs to get in touch with the politics of the world and understand the power of nature over mankind. If you want to learn more, click here.

Some of my favorite part of the book were:

1. His beautiful use of language to describe death, especially by drowning. It is morbid, haunting, and sad at the same time.
2. The way he makes personal connections with the disasters he witnesses first-hand.
3. His story telling.


Sana said...

Dearest Sana Janoo
I read your blog/s.
I am Soooooooo very proud of you. We knew a long time ago (way before your high school) that you have great writing skills.
Keep it up.
I would also suggest that you start blogging at other sites like Huff post and Timblr/Wordpress.
Khuda Hafiz


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