Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

Astronomy is one interest of mine that I don't spend much time on. So when I learned that on December 21st, we would get a chance to see a rare lunar eclipse, well, I got a little excited. This lunar eclipse of the coincided with the winter solstice. Apparently, the last time this occured was in 1638 and the next one is going to be in 2094.  I made a big deal about it- wrote it down on my daily planner, told my family about it, and posted the event as my status on Facebook. The eclipse started approximately at 10:33. My brother (he stayed out for a few minutes) and I went out to see it. I took some pictures of the event, but unfortunately my digital camera couldn't capture the copper-red hue the moon changed into. It was quite spectacular! Enjoy the pictures (the ones online are much better)!


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