Turning thirty was a life-changing experience for me. Although my birthday was a low-key family affair, I didn't realize how great of an impact reaching this age will be on my personality. Still new to this decade, I have much more to learn from those who are older, but turning thirty has turned a switch on. No longer am I a vivacious, animated and cheerful twenty-something, but rather I have become a more serious, quiet, reflective human being who wants to become a better person than my former self-How so? That will be based on my choices and my unique journey. As you get older, your outlook on some areas of life become more refined as you learn the lessons life has prepared for you. You derive meaning out of these experiences and becoming a more learned and wise human being. The following are some important areas that each person embodies, and I have decided to write down how MY perceptions has changed after entering my thirties.
Relationships: In my twenties, my friendships and family were everything. I was a shy, but friendly young girl, who took time to make new friends. There was college- a time when I struggled to find my identity in a world much bigger than my high school and few friends. I gained independence, made life-long friends, and gained an asset that has helped me throughout my life-my degree. During this age and for the rest of my twenties, I traveled, got my first job, dated, while others got married, and had their first child. It was a time for many firsts. I made life choices that have me still being single, childless, and starting a new career at age 30. In my thirties, I am making peace with the choices I made in my twenties. This doesn't necessarily mean I have many regrets. It's just that I am left with a deeper understanding of who I was and why I made those choices. Many take the healthy approach and accept what choices they have made in the past, and after learning from their mistakes, become more wise and resolute in their actions. With my unique experiences as my backbone of my personality, I know what I can do and what I can't. What I am noticing is that while in my twenties, I was making friends with similar values to have fun with. In my thirties, I seek out more of a support structure. A husband becomes a life partner, friends become networking prospects, family become your confidant, and office colleagues become friends. The evolution of relationships carry over through all decades of your life-not just reserved for twenties and thirties.
Self-Image: After spotting my first grey hair at age twenty, I had a complete Laissez-faire attitude about it since it was the only one. I didn't think much about growing old or my looks changing. Since turning thirty I have spotted many few grey hairs and am becoming to brace myself against the prospect that I will not look young forever no matter how young I feel inside. While still struggling with adult acne, I often find myself worrying about wrinkles and closely observe my face and hands to see if I have some. My self-image changes on daily basis. Sometimes I look at myself and feel completely happy with what I have, and other times, I am not. I don't often think about my looks, only until this annoying voice inside my head starts to focus my energy on what I look like. It's difficult to fight this voice, especially when it is present in my head as frequently as the day is long. Your self-image can change if you have supportive people in your life, but how one sees himself/herself is unique to each person and can stay consistent throughout their lives.
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